Welcome to my website. I am Anne Gram, a seasoned board member and investment professional with a passion for sustainability.
Having worked for more than 30 years in the financial sector, I have focused on investing sustainably to generate returns for pensioners’ old day in a liveable world. I wish to contribute to positive, sustainable change, which is urgently needed and in the direct interest of todays and tomorrow’s pensioners. The financial sector can do more to help fight climate change, biodiversity loss and move companies towards a circular and sustainable economy. I believe in“Doing well by Doing good”. This is increasingly at the heart of the business strategy of tomorrow’s winners, embracing the green transition as it also creates tremendous possibilities for creating both real economic impact and financial returns in the future.

Elected to Top 50 women in sustainable finance
Pensioenfederatie, Sustainable Pensions Investment Lab, Natuur&Milieu
Webinar: Pension funds and worldwide climate investments 2023